Tuesday, 28 February 2012
Sunday, 26 February 2012
KUALA LUMPUR: PAS Pusat mengakui pimpinan tertinggi parti itu perlu mencampuri urusan pentadbiran Kerajaan Negeri Kedah berikut kemelut dua exconya enggan dilantik semula kerana tidak berpuas hati dengan Menteri Besar, Datuk Seri Azizan Abdul Razak.
Malah Setiausaha Agung PAS, Datuk Mustafa Ali turut mengakui bahawa konflik berkenaan membabitkan Timbalan Pesuruhjaya I PAS Kedah, Datuk Phahrolrazi Zawawi dan Timbalan Pesuruhjaya II PAS Kedah, Datuk Ismail Salleh yang telah menghantar surat kepada Azizan bagi menyatakan keengganan dilantik semula ke jawatan itu yang dijadual diumumkan pada Selasa.
Justeru PAS Pusat akan menghantar Naib Presidennya, Salahuddin Ayub sebagai perantara bagi membantu menyelesaikan kemelut tersebut.
"Kepimpinan PAS sedang memberi perhatian penuh terhadap isu berhubung pentadbiran kerajaan Pakatan Rakyat negeri Kedah.
"Kami fikirkan bahawa PAS Pusat perlu main peranan dalam isu ini, jadi YB (Yang Berhormat) Salahuddin Ayub akan turun ke Kedah esok (Selasa) bagi mengadakan pertemuan dengan Menteri Besar dan exco-excoberkenaan," katanya pada sidang media di sini, Isnin.
KOTA SAMARAHAN: Mantan Perdana Menteri Tun Dr Mahathir Mohamad berkata beliau sudah lama berniat mahu mendedahkan isi kandungan perutusan surat kepada bekas Perdana Menteri Israel Ehud Barak ketika memegang tampuk pemerintahan negara.
Dr Mahathir berkata hasrat berkenaan ingin dilakukan beliau semasa menulis buku memoir "A Doctor In The House" namun atas sebab tertentu kerajaan melarang beliau daripada berbuat demikian.
Wednesday, 22 February 2012
Monday, 20 February 2012
Sunday, 19 February 2012
Video Bogel: Melia Aimiellia

PETALING JAYA: Heroin filem Karipap-Karipap Cinta, Melia Aimiellia (Melia) berkata dakwaan yang mengatakan dia adalah gadis yang berbogel dalam sebuah video yang tersebar pada minggu lalu berdasarkan pada persamaan fizikal dan cincin di jari adalah tuduhan yang mengarut.
Melia atau Noor Melia Aimiellia Zaidi, 19, berkata persamaan itu adalah tidak berasas kerana sesiapa pun boleh memakai cincin tersebut memandangkan ia adalah trend fesyen remaja pada hari ini.
“Cincin yang saya pakai adalah trend fesyen yang dipakai oleh sesiapa pun di luar sana. Mengapa pula hanya kerana cincin itu kelihatan sama, orang menuduh saya adalah gadis dalam video bogel itu?
Thursday, 16 February 2012
Wednesday, 15 February 2012
Tuesday, 14 February 2012
Pengerusi Suruhanjaya Pilihan Raya (SPR) Tan Sri Abdul Aziz Mohd Yusof mengingatkan lebih 3.7 juta rakyat Malaysia yang berumur 21 tahun dan ke atas yang masih belum mendaftar sebagai pemilih, agar jangan menyesal jika mereka tidak berpeluang mengundi pada pilihan raya umum ke-13.
Beliau mengharapkan 3,731,134 rakyat Malaysia ini yang layak menjadi pemilih agar mendaftar bagi membolehkan mereka berpeluang mengundi pada pilihan raya umum akan datang.
Bagi suku tahun ketiga tahun lalu, hanya 12,400,437 yang diwartakan sebagai pemilih berbanding rakyat yang layak mendaftar sebanyak 16,131,571 orang, katanya kepada pemberita selepas merasmikan program taklimat untuk pegawai-pegawai pengurus pilihan raya dan penolong-penolong pegawai pengurus peringkat negeri Perlis di sini hari ini.
Abdul Aziz berkata ada yang mengambil mudah dengan tidak mendaftar sebagai pemilih tetapi mereka pasti menyelesal jika tidak berpeluang menentukan masa depan negara melalui haknya sebagai pemilih
Abdul Aziz berkata ada yang mengambil mudah dengan tidak mendaftar sebagai pemilih tetapi mereka pasti menyelesal jika tidak berpeluang menentukan masa depan negara melalui haknya sebagai pemilih
Monday, 13 February 2012

PETALING JAYA: Mursyidul Am PAS, Datuk Nik Abdul Aziz Nik Mat menggesa Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim menarik balik kenyataannya sebelum ini yang menyokong usaha melindungi keselamatan Israel.
Malah Ketua Pembangkang itu turut digesa untuk mengambil tindakan undang-undang terhadap Wall Street Journal (WSJ) bagi membersihkan namanya.
"Saya selaku Mursyidul Am PAS dengan dipersetujui oleh seluruh ahli Majlis Syura Ulama PAS, menggesa Datuk Seri Anwar menarik balik kenyataannya seperti dilaporkan di WSJ.

PETALING JAYA: Pelakon baru, Ika Nabila berkata dakwaan bahawa dia seorang peminum arak seperti dalam foto yang tersebar di internet merupakan satu fitnah semata-mata.
Ika menjelaskan air dalam gelas tersebut bukanlah minuman beralkohol sebaliknya ia adalah jus sparkling.
Sunday, 12 February 2012
Saturday, 11 February 2012
Adam si kurang ajar telah dihalau oleh orang-orang kampung semsa ingin mengadakan ceramah di Kampung Idaman, Klang malam tadi. Penduduk kampung tidak berpuas ati kerana tindakan kurang ajar menurukan gambar PM tempoh hari. Apa perjuang si bangsat ni? Padan Muka ko kena halau dengan orang kampung. Orang Kampung sudah membenci PKR sial. Tahniah warga Kampung Idaman!!!! Teruskan perjuangan! nyahkan si bangsat ini dari memecah-belahkan penduduk kampung........
Wednesday, 8 February 2012
Adakah anda tahu punca sebenar? apa yang berlaku? video cuma dirakam semasa pergaduhan. Mungkin ada sesuatu yang membuat anak melayu itu terlampau sakit hati. renung-renungkan bersama...
Tuesday, 7 February 2012
Friday, 3 February 2012

PETALING JAYA: PAS Pusat sebulat suara menolak hasrat Presiden PAS, Datuk Seri Abdul Hadi Awang untuk tidak dicalonkan dalam pilihan raya umum ke-13 (PRU-13) sama ada di peringkat Dewan Undangan Negeri (DUN) atau Parlimen dengan membuat keputusan bahawa beliau perlu bertanding di PRU-13.
Ketua Penerangan PAS Pusat, Datuk Tuan Ibrahim Tuan Man berkata, keputusan itu dicapai dalam mesyuarat biro politik yang diadakan pada Khamis dan Abdul Hadi turut akur dengan keputusan tersebut.
“Maka isu penarikan diri beliau tidak berbangkit kerana parti melihat beliau masih diperlukan bagi memimpin parti dan Pakatan Rakyat (PR) menghadapi PRU-13,” katanya dalam satu kenyataan pada Jumaat.
Tuan Ibrahim berkata, PAS bersetuju dengan pandangan Mursyidul Am parti, Datuk Nik Abdul Aziz Nik Mat bahawa perjuangan Islam tidak mempunyai tempoh masa bahkan sehingga akhir hayat.
“Walaupun jawatan boleh bertukar ganti, namun PAS masih memerlukan presiden (Abdul Hadi) terus memimpin bahkan para pemimpin tertinggi PR juga telah mengeluarkan kenyataan meminta presiden terus menerajui PR.
"PAS yakin dengan karisma kepimpinan, kewibawaan dan kedudukan Abdul Hadi untuk memimpin parti,” katanya
Wednesday, 1 February 2012
Coca-Cola ada 8 oz alkohol?

The secret recipe that lists the ingredients of every bottle of Coca-Cola is a thing of legend. Often described as one of the best kept secrets in the world, urban legend says that only two people in the world know the full secret recipe, and they are never allowed to fly on the same airplane lest it crash and the secret of Coke be lost to the tides of time forever. A contradicting report says that deep within Coke’s Atlanta, Georgia facility, armed guards stand outside a vault holding the only known copy of the secret recipe, ready to open fire upon any interloper who tries to steal it.
Of course, while fun, all of these stories are too implausible to be true. There is no way for a company pumping millions of gallons of a soft drink out its doors each year to keep the recipe totally secret: too many people need to know the ingredients to do their job. More importantly, since Coke is made of different ingredients in different countries (example: in Germany, it uses cane sugar; in America, it uses corn syrup), there’s no such thing as a universal secret recipe.
Even so, this is pretty impressive: after over a century, the secret recipe to Coca-Cola has finally been published by Ira Glass and his cohorts over at This American Life, a (fantastic) weekly radio program on Public Radio International (also available through iTunes). Yup, that’s the recipe above, which is also downloadable on This American Life’s official website.
After a hundred years of secrecy, you’d expect the secret ingredients to be pretty esoteric, but in actuality, it’s all stuff you might have in your kitchen, including: alcohol, orange oil, lemon oil, nutmeg oil, and cinnamon. I was hoping for at least a few eyes of newt.
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How to Make This RecipeAs we said in the radio story, this recipe includes two parts. The recipe for the syrup, and the recipe for the 7X flavoring formula. You can scale down the recipe for the syrup if you don't want to make gallons of the syrup. You will need one ounce of syrup mixed with 5 ounces of carbonated water to make a serving of soda.
When you buy your ingredients be careful that you buy FOOD GRADE. There are lots of things you can find on the Internet that can be used in this recipe that are not food grade and will make you sick.
And before you start, you may want to read these helpful tips sent in by a listener in Chicago.
1) Make the 7X flavor. To make this, you'll want food grade essential oils at 100 percent strength. They can be found by searching for food grade essential oils in the grocery section of Amazon.com and other places (this orange oil, for instance).
For a home recipe, you can get an eyedropper and count drops the old-fashioned way, but if you want to be more precise, Steve Warth at Sovereign Flavors says he estimated each drop was .025 grams, which means you want 0.5 grams of Orange Oil, 0.75 of Lemon Oil, 0.25 grams of Nutmeg Oil, 0.125 grams of Coriander Oil, 0.25 grams of Neroli Oil, 0.25 grams of Cinnamon Oil (historian Mark Pendergrast says the original Coke recipe was made with a kind of cinnamon called Cassia).
Combine those with 8 ounces of food grade alcohol. This ingredient, we'll be frank, will be kind of a pain in the ass to find. Important: Do NOT use Ethyl Rubbing Alcohol or Rubbing Alcohol or Denatured Ethyl Alcohol. These will make you sick. You need food grade ethyl alcohol. Sometimes people swap Everclear or other neutral grain spirits for this, and our beverage guys suggest this as an easy, cheap substitute.
2) Make your fluid extract of coca. Buy whole leaf coca tea. Instructions for making coca extract from this can be found online. You don't need much. The recipe calls for 3 fluid drams, which is equivalent to 1/8 of a fluid ounce or – an easier measurement for a home kitchen – 3/4 of a tablespoon.
3) Make the syrup. Once you have your 7X flavor, and your fluid extract of coca, you are ready to mix them with your other ingredients to make the syrup. Mix your ingredients in this order: water, sugar, then coloring, then coca extract, then vanilla extract, then caffeine, then lime juice and citric acid.
Several Notes:
-- If you do not want to make several gallons of the syrup, you can adjust the recipe by reducing all ingredients by the same rate -- one half the original amount, one quarter, and so on.
-- Another important thing about this step, as we said in the radio story about the recipe, the Sovereign Flavors chemists concluded that in order to compensate for the intensity of contemporary essential oils (125 years of advances in food technology means it's possible that they're much stronger than the oils Pemberton used in his lab in 1886) the 7X flavoring addition should be reduced by 75 percent. That means, if you make the full size batch, you should only use 1/2 ounce of 7X formula instead of the 2 ounces specified in the original recipe.
-- You might want to cut down on the caffeine. We all got a strong buzz from the soda we made with the recipe, and then one of the beverage professionals pointed out that it was because it had five times the amount of caffeine of a modern soda.
-- Some ingredients are measured in fluid ounces, others are measured in ounces by weight. The team at Sovereign Flavors says if an ingredient is liquid -- coca extract or vanilla extract -- it should be measured in fluid ounces. If it's a dry ingredient, like citric acid, it should be measured by weight.
4) Make the soda. Once you have mixed the syrup, it should be combined with carbonated water at a ratio of 1-to-5 (one part syrup to five parts bubbly water) to make the soda.
Legal language we have to include here: If you're making this soda, it's entirely at your own risk. The soda companies and radio stations involved in this story make no claims about the safety of this old recipe.
Here's the press release we put out about this story.
This episode of our show kicked off a wave of international press coverage that, inevitably, included inaccuracies.
To be clear: We are not claiming that we have found the recipe used today for Coca-Cola. We believe we found a recipe that is either the original recipe made by the inventor of Coke, John Pemberton, or a version of Coca-Cola that he made either before or after the product hit the market in 1886. We believe that because it was found in the notebook of his friend, on a page entitled "Coco-Cola recipe improved," and because it was found in Pemberton's own notebook, in Coca-Cola's archives.
Much of the press about our story takes at face value Coca-Cola's statements that we have not found the recipe for Coke, present or past. But when asked if the company has actually checked to see if this formula matches the original formula - which archivist Phil Mooney assured me they still have - company spokespeople always politely sidestep the question. So it seems entirely possible that no one at Coke has checked. If they'd checked to see if the formulas match, why not say so?
Phil Mooney even admitted something interesting about the recipe in our interview: "Could it be a precursor? Yeah, absolutely." He then went on to express, as his opinion, not as fact: "Is this the one that went to market? I don't think so."
Since the original formula is no longer made by Coke, and since all the ingredients seem to be on the public record, why not release the old formula? This year, Coke's 125th anniversary, would be a great time for it!
So we stand by our story. We believe the recipe is either the version Pemberton brought to market in 1886, a precursor, or an improved version made after it was already on the market. As for our bigger point, that the ingredients to Coke's supposedly super-secret formula can be figured out without much trouble by anyone who wants to, that seems incontrovertibly true. Versions of the recipe have been published starting in the 1960's. Not to mention that a device called a gas chromatograph can tell a trained scientist the ingredients in coke or any other beverage, not with perfect accuracy, but close enough that you're in the ballpark.
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